
Vanagon Spare Tire Checkup Time

Do you know where your spare tire is?  When was the last time you checked it? 

With the Memorial Day holiday and Summer approaching, now might be a great time to check your spare tire.

A Vanagon's spare tire is located underneath the front of the van.   It is accessible by removing one bolt and pulling a release tab.  Be sure to support the metal tray holding the spare tire when pulling the release tab as the tray and tire may drop quickly on you.

Our spare tire was in sad shape and covered in dirt and rocks. The tire pressure was also well below 10 psi.  With your tire removed,  give it a good cleaning and the spare storage bay as well.  Fill your spare but keep it out for a day (but in your van somewhere) to see if the tire pressure holds.  Remember, if you are going to drive with your spare in the car for a while, be sure to lock the bolt back on the spare tray to ensure it does not pop open while driving.

This may also be a good time to check if your Vanagon has a proper roadside emergency and safety kit, automotive jack, and tire iron.

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